Well, I just had to go and say that our life wasn't really all that interesting - and Bella felt it necessary to prove me wrong! The girls went with Paul to his softball game this morning and just as their first game was starting, Bella smacked her head while running under the bleachers (right after Daddy told them not to move from where they were). He called me at home and told me to come right away, that Bella needed stitches, etc. When I got there she was pretty calm but the minute I mentioned having to get stitches she got scared and started crying. Auntie Missy had come with so she could take Maria, Lorenzo and Gen back to their house while I took Bella to urgent care. We ended up going to St. Francis Hospital in Shakopee because that was closest to the softball fields where Paul was playing in West Bloomington. Urgent Care wasn't open yet so we went through the Emergency Room. Bella was very scared but Paul & I kept reassuring her that everything would be okay. We finally got in a room and they put a gel on her 'laceration' that would numb it up. The doctor came in and talked about options and said that the gel would take about a 1/2 hour to numb up the area. So, we hung out watching Disney Channel and Bella ate her ring pop. After a little while she said 'I'm not scared anymore!' But that was because she thought that was all they were going to do.

A nurse came in and cleaned up her cut before they put in the stitches. She was scrubbing it with gauze and Bella didn't even flinch, the medicine had done it's job! She started getting scared again when she saw all of the stuff for the stitches but I laid on the bed with her while she continued to watch Disney Channel. The doctor put in five stitches and again, she didn't even flinch - she did great. Paul & I were very proud of her considering how emotional she had been earlier. She keeps talking about how it didn't even hurt a little bit and she didn't even feel them tugging when they put the stitches in. She has to have the stitches removed on Thursday, hopefully she'll do well with having them taken out!

Getting stitches
Bella was proud of herself too!
You're a tough chick! Sorry to hear about your head. . . .
don't forget to put Mederma on the scar once you get the stitches out. It helps it to not leave a scar. That worked pretty well for Emily's upper lip.
Auntie Juli