Thursday, July 24, 2008
Maria went to her first roller skating birthday party last night. One of her classmates (Marky) celebrated his birthday at Fun Zone in Woodbury and invited all of the kids from their kindergarten class - all nine of them! It was so fun to see all of the kids, we haven't seen them for nearly two months! Maria gave rollerblades a try but felt too unsteady on them so wanted to have rollerskates. Paul got her all set up and we made sure she could manage before taking off to a meeting. I went back to pick her up a couple of hours later and she said she had a blast and now wants to have a roller skating birthday party! We'll have to see when it gets closer to her birthday since she was saying she wanted an ice skating party too!
While Paul was getting her ready, I was catching up with the moms. One of the moms asked if Maria would like to be in Girl Scouts because she is going to lead a Daisy Troup, which will include all of the girls in their first grade class. So, I asked Maria if she wanted to join and after explaining what would be involved, she agreed. I guess that means we'll be buying a lot more cookies in the future :) hehehehe.